Forthcoming conferences : 2020 and 2021


The 42nd Annual Conference of MELCom International will be hosted by the Philipps-Universität Marburg Library, in Germany, during the week of 25-29 May 2020 (to be specified further in due time) and organised locally by Dr. Susanne Saker of the Near- and Middle-Eastern Studies unit.

Please check this website regularly for further details as of December 2019.


In 2021, the 43rd Annual Conference will be hosted in May 2021 by AKMED Library of the Koç University Suna & İnan Kıraç Research Centre for Mediterranean Civilizations in Antalya, Turkey.  Our convener is Tuba Akbaytürk, MLS, Director of Koç University Libraries at large.  

More information on this event will be posted in due time.